Summer - A busy time of year

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Summer is a busy time of year - which can really disrupt your self-care! Pool party, vacations and the kids are home from school. Your calendar is jam-packed with activities, and it’s easy to lose sight of your beauty and wellness routines amid the hustle.

Just because your schedule is turned upside down, it doesn’t mean that your self-care should be thrown out the window. Reconnect with your inner self, and what matters most to you: a healthy, beautiful skin and energy filled body.

Try a few of these summer self-care tips to keep your beauty skin and health on the right track:

  • Welcome beauty into your life - Find the things you love that soothe you, whether it be Beauty Journey Treatments with calming music or fresh-cut flowers. Also, take a few moments each day to appreciate the beauty all around you. It comes in so many forms such as treating yourself with one of our Facial Sculpting.

  • Avoid Sun/UV damaged - Sun-damaged skin often shows signs of premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. That's why it's imperative to use sun protection every day. Our Replenishing Tinted Sunscreen guards your skin against UV rays while providing nourishing coverage that can be used underneath or in place of foundation.

  • Hydrates your skin from the inside out - Hot or warm water with lemon in the early morning. Drink cool water with few slice of Lime or add few slices of Strawberries for your favor. How much of water do you need to drink? Drink at least half of your body weight. For example, your weight is 100 pounds, then drink 50 ounces.

  • Try some new healthy activities - You don’t have to drag yourself to the gym when you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air! Explore the world around you by riding a bike, hiking or swimming, and gain a fresh perspective on your life. We are part of nature, but often lose our connection. Stop your busy mind to take in the wonder and abundance.

  • Beauty Sleep - Too much party and not enough sleep doesn’t make you look good or feel good. Sleep has a profound effect on our appearance, weight, stress level, mood, memory and overall well-being.

  • Disconnect - Setting your smartphone down can be difficult! However, you’ll enjoy your life and your family more with less digital distractions. Appreciate every moment you have together, and you’ll improve your personal connections. Try to set some rules, such as no digital at the dinner table and at least 30 minutes before bed.

  • Antioxidant - Antioxidants are good for you but do you really know what they do? Antioxidants actually protect your cells against free radicals: the molecules produced when your body is exposed to things like stress, pollution, tobacco smoke and radiation or when your body breaks down food. These free radicals can be harmful to your cells and can contribute to diseases. Eat more chia seeds, kale and acai—they contain a larger amount of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants than other foods and help promote internal health and external beauty. Apply Enlighten Serum topical protecting against free radicals also improves skin viability, increases skin hydration and dermis thickness. It has the power to protect skin against the sun and pollution.

  • Surrender to interruptions - Very little in life ever goes according to plan. Let’s yourself laugh it off, and be ready with a backup plan or just go with the flow. We forget we can remove much of our mental suffering by learning to let go of expectations and trying to control much of life. We can learn to surrender and embrace the opportunity of unknowns.

When you focus on self-care, you’ll be more present for your loved ones and more energized to take on summer’s offerings. It all starts with keeping the “me-time” in your life and not losing your sense of self and the fundamental prerequisites to maintaining your beauty skin and well-being year round.

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"Information is courtesy of, a website with skin care tips, products, treatments and advice from skin care expert and licensed esthetician, Kristina Trinh”