Everything You Need to Know about Maskne

What is Maskne?

Why Is It Important?


The pandemic has brought many unforeseeable changes, and one of those changes is having to wear a mask. Depending on your location, you might have to wear a mask just indoors, or you might have to wear a mask outdoors as well. 

But the fact is, you still need to wear a mask until the pandemic is stifled. And although we are making progress towards stopping the spread of Covid-19, we don’t know when it’s going to be safe enough to drop the masks.

Although masks offer a lot of protection, they can also cause several issues. One of those issues is maskne.

Now, maskne is not a new thing. A study that appeared in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology shows that 83% of the health care workers from Hubei, China, suffered different kinds of skin problems on the face.

Even though this phenomenon is more researched now, the truth is that a lot of health workers that are required to wear masks on a daily basis struggle to keep acne at bay. So this is definitely an issue that needs a solution as fast as possible. 

But before we jump into the methods of treating and preventing maskne from occurring, let’s see first what maskne is.

What Is Maskne?

You might have noticed that your skin is acting up a bit since you started wearing a mask. If you had clear skin before, perhaps you noticed that the number of breakouts that you have is steadily increasing. 

Or if you already had acne, it might have gotten worse since wearing a mask became the norm.

Maskne, also called acne mechanica or mask acne by professionals is a type of acne that appears in the area of your face that is covered by your mask. This means that on certain portions of your face, such as your chin, jawline, nose, and cheeks you can start seeing:

  • Irritations

  • Blemishes

  • Pimples

  • Blackheads

  • Whiteheads

Maskne Causes

We can all guess that maskne, as the name indicates, is caused by wearing a mask. But let’s dig a bit deeper and see why exactly is maskne caused by masks. 

It seems like maskne can occur due to two main reasons: 

  1. In most cases, it occurs when sweat, oil, and bacteria are trapped on your skin for long periods of time. The stuffy area under the maks creates a perfect breeding environment for breakouts. Maskne is different from acne or blemishes caused by hormones or hereditary issues, such as cystic acne.

  2. It can also occur due to the rubbing, pressure, friction, and stretching of the skin on your face, caused by wearing a mask for extended periods of time. People living in locations with humid and hot weather are more prone to experiencing maskne, due to the heat, excessive sweat, and the constant use of sunscreen.

Maskne Treatment and Prevention

You might have heard of the saying ‘prevention is better than a cure.’ We believe it to be a pretty accurate statement. Preventing maskne from happening can be a lot easier than treating it. 

But how do you prevent maskne? Here are some tips:

If you want to wear a material mask, always choose a mask made out of 100% cotton. Not only are cotton materials breathable, but they are also gentle with the skin.

  • Wash your material mask daily with fragrance-free detergent.  

  • If you’re going for disposable masks, try to replace them as often as possible. If this is not an option, let your masks air out before another use. 

  • Avoid wearing makeup under your mask as much as possible. 

  • Remove your mask every four hours for about 15 minutes.

  • Use a hydrate Moisture before wearing a mask.

Now you know a few preventive measures to avoid maskne, but what if you already have it? How can you treat maskne? 

Having a good skincare routine is a big plus. But you need to take extra precautions when you’re dealing with maskne. Here’s what we think works best when trying to get rid of mask acne:

  1. Cleanse regularly and use a gentle cleanser as to not irritate and dry the skin further. Avoid cleansers that contain perfume and alcohol, as they are usually not good for your skin. If the acne caused by the mask is more severe, use cleansers that have salicylic acid a try. 

  2. Moisturize regularly. Usually, it is indicated to moisturize after you have cleansed your skin. For this type of acne, a moisturizer has an antimicrobial solution, that helps balance bacteria and oils, while restoring hydration levels in inflamed acneic skins. Re-establishes the acid mantle, increases hydration and protects against transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

  3. Use a nourishing cream reduces inflammation, soothes reactivity, heals, protect and rebuild damaged skins.

Bottom Line

Whatever it’s caused by, acne is never a fun thing to deal with. Everybody’s skin is different, and it might react differently to certain skincare routines and skincare products. The best way to know what works and doesn’t work for you is to consult a specialist. And now, you can do that by scheduling a virtual consultation with one of our skincare specialists.

For a complete skin consultation, make an appointment with one of Beauty Journey’s expert estheticians by schedule online appointment or contact beautyjourney@gmail.com if you need further information.

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