A story from my heart for Mother's Day

Moms shape who we are 💑 

MOMs teach ✍️ us the lessons we never forget👣 

Moms show us what love 💗looks like.

My mother faced a lot of heartbreaks in her life, but it never made her hard. I was still young when she passed away at the young age of 49. However, the amount of lessons I learned from my mom in the short time shaped the way I am. I am blessed to have her in my life. 

I’m told I had a big brother, though I never met him. He passed away before I was born. We weren’t allowed to talk about him in my household, but I know for sure that my mother was crushed. 

My mother’s grief softened over time but began to show itself in a different way. She dressed me in boy’s clothes and gave me a boy's haircut. It was like she was trying to hold on to the spirit of my brother by having me dress like him.

I didn't understand this until many years later because I wasn’t told about my big brother when I was young, but I went along with it because I just wanted to make my mother smile. I loved to see her smile. 

This continued on for many years until one day I returned home from school in a panic. There was blood on the inside of my pants and I was sure I must be dying! I ran to my mom, begging for her to save me from certain death. 

My mother smiled calmly and proudly. 

She explained that I had just got my first period. 

This meant I was a woman now 💃

She said to me, "Kristina, I'm going to buy you a dress, and we will grow out your hair. You're a woman now!" 

Her bright smile made me calm down immediately. My mother seemed to think this was a very good thing! 

Along with the good news that she would buy me dresses and that I could grow my hair longer, she gave me the following advice: 

“Never let any boys or men touch your hand - you’ll get pregnant!” 

Though this advice sounds a little bizarre and funny in retrospect, please laugh with me 😉, it worked like a charm: I never let any man touch me until I met my husband when I was 30 years old.

So I have my mom to thank for waiting until I met a good man to take care of me, too. 

I love you forever, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day 💗💗

To all of you reading this, I hope you are surrounded by love this Mother’s Day. Whether it's your first Mother's Day with a new precious baby, or you're celebrating with a mom in heaven, I hope that you take the time to reflect on how lucky the world is to have Moms like you and like the ones we've been blessed with! 

As a special Mother’s Day offer, Beauty Journey is offering a  travel-size Eraser Serum and Peptide Cream (value $40) for free with any treatment you book from May 6th - May 9th.

Book your Mother's Day appointment right now by clicking here! 

See you soon, 


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