Bio Micro-needling is your ultimate solution for acne and acne scars

Bio- Microneedling is known as Spongilla Spicules. Spongilla spicules are tiny, needle-like structures found in freshwater sponges, specifically in the Spongilla species. These structures are composed primarily of silica and serve as a kind of skeleton, providing structural support to the sponge. They also play a defensive role, deterring potential predators with their sharp points. In skin care, Spongilla spicules have been used in a procedure known as "Bio- Microneedling" or "Spongilla Peeling".
Bio-Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that leverages the unique properties of Spongilla spicules. The spicules are ground into a powder and then mixed into a base to create a peeling cream or gel. When applied to the skin, the tiny spicules perform a microdermabrasion-like function, exfoliating dead skin cells and stimulating the skin's natural regeneration process. The mechanical action of the spicules helps to increase blood circulation and stimulate cellular renewal, which can help to improve the skin's texture, tone, and overall appearance.
Bio-Microneedling can be used to address a variety of skin concerns, including acne, post-acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging. However, because it involves physically abrading the skin, Bio- Microneedling may not be suitable for those with very sensitive skin or certain skin conditions. It's recommended to consult with your skincare professional before undergoing this procedure.
It's also worth noting that while Bio-micro needling treatments can be beneficial to address a variety of skin concerns, they can be irritating if not paring homecare correctly. To avoid potential side effects such as skin irritation or sensitivity you should follow as directed by Skincare Professional.

Bio-Micro needling can have several unique benefits

When used correctly and responsibly in skincare,

particularly in procedures like this.

Let's delve deeper into the benefits of Spongilla spicules,

particularly their regenerative properties and

how these help with acne and scars.

Regulation of Sebum Production: Sebum, the oil produced by our skin, can clog pores when produced in excess, leading to acne. Spongilla peeling can help regulate sebum production by removing excess oil and balancing the skin.

Pore Unclogging: Spongilla spicules provide physical exfoliation, which aids in clearing the pores of excess sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria—the primary contributors to acne.

Promotion of Skin Renewal: The micro-abrasions created by Spongilla spicules signal the body to increase cell turnover. This means the skin regenerates at a faster rate, helping to clear existing acne more quickly and effectively.

Stimulation of Collagen Production: When the skin is lightly injured, as in the case of Spongilla peeling, it responds by producing more collagen to heal the 'wound'. Collagen is a crucial protein that maintains skin structure and elasticity. Increased collagen production can help to 'fill in' depressed acne scars, reducing their appearance over time.

Improved Skin Texture and Tone: The exfoliation provided by Spongilla spicules removes the uppermost layer of the skin. WIth repeated treatments, this can help to gradually resurface the skin, reducing the appearance of acne scars. It can also improve skin texture and reduce hyperpigmentation, providing a more even skin tone.

Enhanced Absorption of Topical Treatments: The process of exfoliation improves the absorption of other skincare products. This means that any topical treatments for acne or scarring will be more effective after Spongilla peeling, as they can penetrate deeper into the skin.

  1. Some people might find their skin becomes a little red or feels sensitive after treatment. It's a bit like how your skin might feel after you get sunburned. In some cases, your skin might even feel a bit dry or flaky. This is because the spicules help your skin get rid of old, dead skin cells.

  2. Avoid contact with water for 7-8 hours.

  3. Sometimes, when you begin a new skincare treatment, especially one that accelerates skin cell turnover, your skin may initially respond with a breakout. This is often referred to as "purging" and typically clears up once your skin adjusts to the new treatment. This is just a Temporary Breakout.

  4. With the increased turnover of skin cells, the new skin may be more sensitive to sunlight. This makes it crucial to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day and reapply every 2-3 hours when you are working outdoors or in any outdoor activities.

  5. How about your skin becoming very red, and itchy, or if it starts to hurt after 8 hours? So far, we have NO ONE experienced it. Please contact your skin care professional right away and let her know who will be able to help you solve the solution. It's also really important to remember that our skin is like our fingerprint - unique to us. So, while some people might not have any side effects at all, others might have a few. It's all about finding what works best for your skin.

In summary, Bio-Microneedlings aid in regenerating skin affected by acne and acne scars by balancing sebum production, promoting skin renewal, stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture, and enhancing the effectiveness of other treatments. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's skin responds differently to treatments. It may take multiple sessions and a period of weeks or months to see significant improvement.


For a complete skin consultation, make an appointment with one of Beauty Journey’s expert estheticians by schedule online appointment or contact if you need further information.

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