The Ultimate Guide to Acne Scar Types and How Bio-Micro needling can Transform Your Skin

Did you know that 1 in 5 people struggle with acne scars? They're not just marks on your skin; they're blemishes on your confidence. I get it!

Now let's break it down.

How Do You Get Acne Scars?

When you get a pimple, your skin is inflamed. Your body tries to heal it by making new skin cells, but sometimes it goes a bit overboard. Too many cells = a raised scar. Too few cells = a dented scar.

Why Do You Get Acne Scars?

  • Overproduce sebum (Oil) production: You're more likely to get acne and the scars that follow because of extra oil.

  • Inflammation: The angrier the zit, the bigger the risk for a scar. Inflammation can eat away at collagen, leading to dented scars.

  • Acne Severity and Duration: The worse the acne, the worse the scars, especially if it sticks around for a long time and is tough to get rid of.

Types of Acne Scars

  1. Ice Pick Scars: Small but deep holes. These are like tiny holes or dents that can go deep into your skin. You get them when a nasty cyst leaves a long-lasting mark from the skin's surface down to the deeper layers.

  2. Boxcar Scars: Wider, U-shaped scars. Think of these as wide, boxy dips in your skin. They happen when zit-related inflammation messes with your skin's building block, collagen, and makes it sink.

  3. Rolling Scars: Makes your skin look wavy. Imagine gentle hills and valleys on your skin—that's what rolling scars look like. They happen because fibrous tissue bands tug at your skin from below, making it look wavy.

  4. Raised Scars (Hypertrophic and Keloid): These guys are different; they pop up instead of sinking down. They show up when your skin goes overboard making collagen while healing from acne.

  5. Hyperpigmentation: Not really a scar but a dark spot.

There are many ways to treat acne scars such as laser Therapy, Chemical Peel Acid, filler, Microneedling cream, serum etc…..but, today we are going to talk about how we help Acne scar clients with our Bio-Microneedling.

What is Bio-Microneedling?

Bio-microneedling, also known as Spongilla Spicules, comes from freshwater sponges. These tiny, needle-like bits are turned into a powder or gel. When it touches your skin, it acts like a mini scrubbing brush. Think of it as a high-tech way to exfoliate and jumpstart your skin's healing process.

How Bio-Microneedling Comes to the Rescue for Acne and Scars?

Bio-Microneedling helps increase blood flow and kicks your skin cells into gear. This means it can tackle several skin problems like:

  • Acne: Gets the gunk out and helps your skin breathe.

  • Acne Scars: Stimulates your skin to fill in the gaps, reducing the look of scars.

  • Skin Tone: Helps even out the highs and lows in your skin's texture.


Acne scars might be common, but they don't have to be permanent. Understanding the types of scars you have is step one. Step two is finding the right treatment, and Bio-Microneedling might just be your skin's new BFF.

Ready to say goodbye to acne scars? Let's get your skin back to fabulous and let us help you through this battle with you!

For a complete skin consultation, make an appointment with one of Beauty Journey’s expert estheticians by schedule online appointment or contact if you need further information.

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