The Dangers of Sugar for Your Skin and Health

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Sugar is everywhere. You probably already know that certain foods and beverages — such as soft drinks and candy — are loaded with sugar. But what you may not know is that the sweet stuff is added to processed foods of all kinds, from peanut butter to spaghetti sauce. Even packaged foods that are advertised as "healthy," "light," or "diet" may have a high sugar content. To make sure you're avoiding sugar in all its forms, make sure to read labels at the supermarket before buying.

The Effect on Sugar on Your Skin

If you have issues with acne, sugar could be the culprit. You've likely heard that the old adage "chocolate causes breakouts" is a myth; however, there's actually some truth to it. Any food that contains too much sugar can lead to breakouts, because sugar is an inflammatory substance. One of the easiest ways to achieve clearer, smoother, healthier skin is to simply remove sugar from your diet.

Sugar and Overall Health

It's not just your skin that's affected by sugar — this substance can have a damaging effect on your body as well. Not only can sugar raise your risk of obesity and diabetes, it can also harm your kidney and liver. In addition, sugar raises your body's level of uric acid, which can elevate your heart disease risk. By cutting sugar, you're doing both your skin and body a favor.

Tips for Reducing Your Sugar Intake

Quitting sugar doesn't have to be difficult. When you crave something sweet, reach for a piece of fruit instead of a processed piece of cake or candy. Increasing your water intake can work wonders for your sugar cravings, because water makes you feel fuller longer. Adding Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet — if you're not already consuming them — can help offset the damaging effects of sugar and soothe overall inflammation.

The longer you go without sugar, the fewer cravings you'll experience. And, once you see the positive effects of abstaining from sugar, it'll be easy to avoid this harmful substance. Self-care is a great way to nurture yourself while reducing bad habits and developing good ones. We offer a range of pampering facials that nourish your skin while reducing stress and tension.

Beauty Journey Studio: Natural Skin Care with a Gentle Approach

At Beauty Journey Studio, we use only clinical ingredients with a clean formula. All of our products are free of toxic chemicals, and we take a gentle, non-inflammatory approach to caring for your skin. We use targeted dermal delivery systems and solutions that directly address the source of acne, aging, and other skin conditions. Our products and treatments:

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Increase skin circulation

  • Improve scar remodeling

  • Repair DNA

  • Replenish growth factors

  • Re-establish the skin's natural moisture barrier

  • Restore antioxidant levels

  • Activate collagen production

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our skin care experts. Whether you want to get rid of acne or achieve younger-looking skin, we're here to help. Make sure to check out our current promotions for special money-saving deals.

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"Information is courtesy of, a website with skin care tips, products, treatments and advice from skin care expert and licensed esthetician, Kristina Trinh”