7 Ways to Transform Your Skin for Long-Term Results - Fix Retinol in section 4

Who doesn’t want vibrant, smooth skin?

Maybe your skin is healthy, but it lacks a certain glow.

You’ve already got good skin, but you’d like to get that wow factor that makes others look at you in awe and ask you what your secret is.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling with acne, then you know firsthand getting clear skin doesn’t happen overnight. It’s often a waiting game and it takes consistency and commitment from your part, following a solid skincare routine day in and day out. 

Whatever the case, when it comes to clear skin, it’s often the little changes that make a huge difference.

It might seem hard to believe, but taking just a few small steps every day and making smart product choices can completely revitalize your skin’s health and aesthetic. 

Today, I’d like to arm you with the right knowledge and tools to help you get the skin you’ve always wanted.

Some of this advice might be new or groundbreaking for you, while other tips might just come as reminders for you about what steps you need to take to ensure your skin is living its best life.

So without further ado, let’s begin.

Here are 7 must-know tips recommended by experts that will help you completely transform your skin:

1. Catch up on your beauty sleep

People with amazing skin often have great nighttime habits. 

And there’s science behind this. When you skip a few hours of sleep, the cortisol or stress hormones in your body rises. This, in turn, causes the collagen in your skin to break down, leading to wrinkles and sagginess. 

In fact, researches show that women who get seven to nine hours of sleep per night actually look younger than those who only sleep for five hours. 

So, if you want to keep your skin fresh and firm, even as you age, then make sure you’re getting in an adequate amount of rest hours. 

2. Go sugar-free

Reducing or completely eliminating sugar from your diet can do wonders for your skin.

But don’t just take our word for it. 

Several studies have shown a link between increased sugar consumption and bad skin health or skin issues like acne and eczema. This is because eating refined sugar often results in higher insulin levels which cause inflammation in the body and lead to a whole host of issues. 

So pass on that sugar next time you get a craving for a sweet snack and opt for a healthier alternative like fruit or stevia extracts.

3. Be mindful of your dairy intake

As acne sufferers have come to learn the hard way, dairy is not your friend if you’ve got skin issues. Countless people have had success stories and managed to heal their skin from the inside out simply by cutting or drastically reducing dairy from their diet. 

But this evidence is not merely anecdotal. Scientists are pretty clear on this: dairy can definitely exacerbate skin issues and make conditions like acne worse. So make sure you’re consuming this any dairy derivatives with caution. 

And if it’s just too much for you to quit milk, consider opting for alternatives like almond, rice or oat milk instead. Your skin will thank you. 

4. Try out retinoids

Retinol is highly recommended by dermatologists to clear up acne and prevent aging. It’s seen by many experts as the Holy Grail to obtaining beautiful and smooth skin long-term. So, if you want a sustainable way of looking after your skin’s health, definitely consider trying out some retinoid products. 

5. Change your hair products

A lot of hair or styling products nowadays contain waxes, toxins or oils that cause irritation and clog your pores. This wreaks havoc on your skin and often leads to stubborn acne or blackheads. 

We recommend you switch up the items you use to style your hair and only products with high-quality ingredients that minimize breakouts.

6. Exfoliate once per week

If you want a glow boost that’s fast to achieve and also lasts, then exfoliation is your friend. Turn this process into a habit and make sure you exfoliate once per week either using a face scrub. Remember to not overdo it though! Too much exfoliation will strip your skin of its natural oils and lead to breakouts. 

7. Cut down on alcohol

Reducing your alcohol intake can truly transform your skin in the long run.

Here are 3 reasons why drinking can severely damage your skin: 

  • Alcohol is a toxin: Not just any toxin, but one that’s been linked to poor liver function, hormone disruption, and cell damages. All of these internal issues are bound to show up in your external appearance as well, while also impacting your skin’s overall health. 

  • Alcohol lacks nutrients: Drinking has little to no nutrient value; it’s basically consuming empty calories that not only lack any vitamins or minerals but actively get in the way of nutrient absorption in your body. This leads to puffiness, wrinkles and other aging signs. 

  • Alcohol is a diuretic: This means that it causes you to lose a lot of water and can easily lead to you becoming dehydrated. And we all know how important drinking enough water and staying hydrated throughout the day is for your skin. 

Interested in learning more about skin health? Then head over to The Beauty Journey and find out the most effective methods for revise your skin, as well as some smart skincare tips and tricks that will help you see results that last.

For a complete skin consultation, make an appointment with one of Beauty Journey’s expert estheticians by schedule online appointment or contact beautyjourney@gmail.com if you need further information.

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"Information is courtesy of www.thebeautyjourney.com, a website with skin care tips, products, treatments and advice from skin care expert and licensed esthetician, Kristina Trinh."