Lighting the Way to Younger, Smoother, Stronger Skin

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If you struggle with acne, wrinkles or scarred skin, and you’re looking for a non-invasive solution that provides real results, listen up. Lightwave therapy may be the solution you’ve been seeking.

In much the same way that the sun triggers photosynthesis in plants, Lightwave Therapy is a simple process by which we can purposely trigger natural cellular reactions to take place within the skin. These regenerative processes naturally improve skin, kill acne and decrease fine lines. The benefits of Lightwave therapy are related to the color of light that is emitted onto your skin, and when administered in a specific order, can stimulate the specific regenerative processes that you desire.

In the Lightwave Therapy offered at Beauty Journey, we use a combination of Red Light, Blue Light and Infrared Light.

  • Red Light stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen and increases cellular turnover. For anyone suffering with skin damage, wrinkles or acne scars, this light helps start the processes that will give you younger, plumper looking skin.

  • Infrared Light goes deep beneath the surface of our skin, and is primarily absorbed by the proteins there. This light assists with cell permeability and increases our cells’ ability to absorb nutrients and remove waste.

  • Blue light is quickly absorbed by the acne-causing bacteria near the skin’s surface. This light causes the bacteria to produce a singlet oxygen free radical that in turn destroys the P. Acnes bacteria.

One of the biggest benefits of Lightwave Therapy is that it treats the problem, not just the symptoms. Skincare is a billion dollar industry, much of which includes, exfoliants, harsh cleansers and other treatments that simply strive to deal with the acne, the blemishes, the scars and the lines through whatever means necessary to get rid of things. But the symptoms wouldn’t exist, if we instead treated the core problem. Lightwave Therapy stimulates the skin to start these restorative processes itself, therefore eliminating the problems before they can cause symptoms.

And don’t be fooled, not all LED devices used at salons are created equal. A cheap device means minimal results. There’s a reason why the best treatments carry a higher price ticket, and it’s because the quality of both the machine and the light are critical for the best results. Shopping around for the best price on Lightwave Therapy means a sacrifice in quality.

A secondary benefit of LIghtwave Therapy is that there are literally no negative effects. Lots of skincare treatments require painful solutions or time-consuming treatments. There are tedious regimens, and creams and cleansers that burn our problems away, but don’t treat the root of the problem. They cost lots of money, might involve invasive procedures or extensive recovery time, but not Lightwave Therapy. The entire process takes under an hour, and most patients describe the experience as relaxing and soothing and enjoy the gentle warmth of the light of their faces.

The ideal client when it comes to this therapy is someone who is fed up with solutions that are temporary, uncomfortable and that quickly become a nuisance. If you’re budget-conscious, you’ll love Lightwave Therapy because although it can seem pricey at the outset, the results pay for themselves. Once you factor all the products and treatments that you’re constantly investing in to keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant, you’ll clearly see that Lightwave Therapy is a smart investment that makes lots of the old products obsolete. Plus you’re essentially giving your skin a bit tiny nudge to function at its best, to produce more collagen and kill the acne-causing bacteria. You just sit under a light for a little bit of time, and just like that your skin is working in your best interest.

Getting Lightwave Therapy on a regular basis is like getting a gym or yoga membership for your skin. You’re essentially committing to something that is going to help your skin perform and look its very best. You’ll leave our salon with that same sense of accomplishment and gratitude because you’ll understand that you’re doing something great for your body.

If you’re sold on the idea of Lightwave but wishing you could do it on a budget, you might be wondering why you couldn’t just purchase the cheaper at-home solutions and tools. There are few reasons, why we recommend NOT going this route. First off, the tools that you can buy and use yourself are less intense than what you would find offered at a salon. Therefore, the results that you’ll see are naturally limited. There’s also a science behind the whole Lightwave process. We understand exactly how long and what colors to use during your session an are intimately aware of what is going on beneath the surface. We understand exactly what your skin needs and how to administer it.

It’s similar to how doing yoga in your living room has some benefits, but attending a class with an experienced instructor among other students somehow offers more benefits and overcomes more challenges. You might be do Triangle pose all wrong for years without the presence of an instructor to offer that slight adjustment of your back foot.

If you’re ready to book your first Lightwave Session or if you simply want to chat with a person about how you might be the perfect candidate, contact us right here. or give us a call at 714-726-0504