See Long-lasting Results When You Commit to Skincare this Year

See long-lasting results when you commit to skincare this year.jpg

Your skin is the fist thing people see when they meet you. It’s a giant part of a first impression, and the truth is, it says a lot about you.

This is a tough reality for anyone who suffers or has suffered from acne. And it’s equally tough for anyone noticing the signs of aging.

We know how big an impact our skin has in our daily lives, and yet we tend to treat skincare as if it was an occasional luxury or a special treat. We spend more time making sure our highlights aren’t grown out, that our bikini lines are waxed and that our toenails are painted the latest color than taking care of our skin. It seems a little lopsided. After all, most of that maintenance gets covered up with clothes, hats and shoes.

But our skin is ALWAYS on display. You’d think we’d put that first.

When we treat our skin well, our skin rewards us by looking great.

You wouldn’t go to the dental hygienist every 6 months and not do anything between visits. You would brush your teeth every day, floss and maintain dental hygiene.

Likewise you wouldn’t go the gym once to lose weight. You would go regularly, eat well, and then maintain both to keep weight off and dedication, we could be way more confident and carefree.

Treating our skin is a lifelong commitment and is important for everyone, regardless of what your skin looks like today. Sunlight, pollution, dietary splurges, and the weather are just some of the things that can affect our complexion. So it’s always important to be doing what we can to minimize the effects of these influences. And it’s especially important to dedicate yourself to a comprehensive skincare regimen when you’re looking to make a drastic improvement – like clearing acne or smoothing wrinkles.

We can easily get the impression that skincare is something to address only when there’s a problem. And lots of people live by this rule. Once they see a problem crop up, only THEN do they attempt to address it. And because everything in our world is so instantaneous, we expect that there must be some quick-fix for any and every skin problem. Magazines and television commercials only corroborate this myth.

But that’s not the case at all.

How many times have you bought that miracle Serum that makes wrinkles disappear or the cream that obliterates pimples overnight, only to stow away these half used bottles in whatever drawer is closest. We buy these “quick-fixes” because they’re cheap enough to try, but more often than not, they have little to no value.

Add up all the money you’ve spent on whim purchases and on skincare that has no effect, and you’d likely have a pretty big chunk of change. Imagine what would happen if you put that money toward a real skincare regimen. One that actually pumps you skin full of the nutrients it needs to work its best and look its brightest.

Then you could say goodbye to these impulse purchases that will only end up taking up space behind your mirror.

2018 is the time to implement skincare practices that truly make a difference in your appearance, that get rid of that acne for good, and that give you the skin that you so desperately crave and deserve.

If we want great skin, we have to follow the same logic that we would follow if we wanted to get in shape and lose twenty pounds. That’s the only path to truly healthy, beautiful skin. And as soon as we allow ourselves to slack off, we’re going to see a difference that isn’t so welcome.

That’s not to say that you have to overwhelm yourself with skin treatments and fill your bathroom with skincare products until it’s overflowing. The solution is to simply be mindful in 2018. Good skin comes from having a good skin care regimen, coming in for treatments, and maintaining those good practices in between your treatments.

We can help you customize the regimen that’s best for you at Beauty Journey. Come in for a consult, and get this year started off right.