The Essential Ingredient for Clear and Healthy Skin

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If you want great skin now and in the future, there is only one ingredient that you need. It’s not an ingredient that you’ll find on the back on any bottle. You can’t buy it in a store or extract it from a plant in the Amazon. It’s not a grocery store ingredient that has been re-purposed by the skincare industry like avocado or oatmeal or coconut.

The biggest secret to having and maintaining healthy skin is accessible to everyone, and acquiring it is as simple as making a decision to have it.

That ingredient is: Commitment

If you are committed, you can have great skin. That’s a guarantee.

Whether your skin is in perfect condition at the moment or whether it could use some TLC, the biggest difference-maker when it comes to your skin is the commitment to taking care of your skin. And the best way to care for you skin is to maintain a healthy daily regimen, and to stick to a treatment plan.

Your skin responds to what you put on it, your diet and how you treat it. The best way to ensure that your good skin stays that way, and that your sub-par skin improves is to commit to a regular regimen.

Keeping your skin healthy is much luck keeping your body healthy. If your goal is to look good in all the clothes in your closet, you wouldn’t “treat yourself” to a workout every couple months and spend your evenings eating pizza and drinking beer. Most likely, you’d create a regimen or schedule. You would do cardio three days a week and lift weights or do Pilates the other three days with one day to rest. You’d stock up on vegetables and lean proteins so that all your hard work was reinforced by your diet, and you wouldn’t stray from this schedule even when you did reach your goal because you’d understand that you’d need to maintain this lifestyle to ensure stay lean well into the future.

Unfortunately, this mindset somehow doesn’t translate over to the skincare industry. People often assume that getting a skin treatment is a “treat” or a “luxury.” They leave it for those months when they have a little extra cash in the bank or when they’re a little unimpressed with the reflection staring back at them from the mirror.

But there would be far fewer of those “bad face” days if you put in the time and energy on a consistent basis. Having a solid daily skin regimen is the first step in ensuring that all your days are “good face” days. And if you don’t know what the best regimen is for your particular skin, scheduling a skin consult is the best way to find out.

Once you get on track with Beauty Journey, we can ensure that you are doing all the right things on a regular basis so that every time you look in the mirror, you feel good about yourself. It’s always more difficult to fix problems once that have gotten out of control due to a flawed or absent regimen. The best time to attack problem issues on the skin is before they become a problem.

You can also think about skincare like maintenance on your car. If you neglect to bring your car in for oil changes and regular maintenance, things might go well for awhile; but eventually, all of that neglect will catch up to you, and you’ll have a much more serious problem on your hands than if you had been following up on a timely schedule.

Invest in the small, frequent check-ins, and you’ll save yourself bigger headaches and expenses later on. It’s true for cars, it’s true for your health, and it’s just as true for your skin.

Make a commitment to have great skin and now forever. If you don’t know where to start, let us get you on track. Head over to Beauty Journey to schedule an appointment.